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2023 hoda x WirForce

This year, we collaborated with hoda to create a unique exhibition booth that was well-received by all parties during the four-day event.

2023 亞洲最盛大的電競嘉年華 WirForce 於上週日順利結束,這次與 hoda 攜手創造獨樹一格的品牌攤位,在連續四天的活動受到各方熱烈好評🎊


嘗試不同以往科技業的制式做法,使 hoda 更融入於這次活動主題「UNREAL EDGE 虛幻邊界」,在展現 hoda 本身的產品專業形象的同時,也考量到參加者都是因電競展而來的遊戲類型玩家🎮,如何讓大家對於本攤位更為親睞成為本次的首要目標🎯

我們採取了兩個策略延伸,第一是強化遊戲與動漫的連結,將之前為 hoda 執行的形象動畫角色「潮流少女」成為本攤位最為顯眼的形象 IP ,強化品牌的記憶點同時,也讓參與者感到親近、可愛;第二透過與電競相關產業的硬體、科技與科幻聚焦,將 hoda 獨有的貼膜神器「無塵太空艙」延伸至另一面主視覺牆,並將整體攤位打造成「科技實驗室」,搭配俐落展台與實驗式符號、字體設計、排版強化,整體透過銀箔高反射的特性與燈條架構的反射,讓整體看來更為通透簡約,攤位形象更為專業又具備親和魅力,最後點上我們的標語「hold your phone, hoda your phone」,落實前後行銷規劃,完成本次攤位設計。👨‍🔬👩‍🚀👩‍🎤

WirForce 2023, the largest Esports exhibition in Asia, successfully ended last Sunday. This year, we collaborated with hoda to create a unique exhibition booth that was well-received by all parties during the four-day event. 🎊

At the beginning of the collaboration, we focused on how to connect hoda's brands and this Esports event. We wanted to try something different from the usual approach of other participating technology companies, and we wanted hoda to be more coherent with this year event's theme, "UNREAL EDGE: The Unreal Edge." 🎯

While we wanted to showcase hoda's brand image, we also considered that the attendees were mostly gamers coming to the event for gaming purpose. We wanted to make sure that the booth would also be appealing to them. In order to reach that goal, we adopted two strategies.

First, we strengthened the connection between gaming and anime by displaying the 3D character we created for hoda's previous promotional campaign, as the central visual element of the booth. This helped us to reinforce hoda's brand image, as well as to make their booth and products more approachable and cute.

Secondly, we focused on creating a connection with the hardware and technology aspect of the Esports industry. We used hoda's unique screen protector "Space Capsule" as the booth second main visual, and we turned the entire booth into a "tech laboratory." We designed a sleek booth with technology-inspired symbols, typography, and layout to enhance its overall appearance. The use of highly-reflective silver foil contributed to making the space look bigger, cleaner and more professional. Lastly, the slogan "hold your phone, hoda your phone" was added to complete the design. 👨‍🔬👩‍🚀👩‍🎤

⟡ Credits ⟡

Directed by JP SPACE


創意總監|蔣承翰 Jiang Jiang

策略總監|許軒瑜 Hsuan Yu Hsu

專案經理|Sophie W

平面設計 | Rika Su

3D視覺 | 盧長禧 Bonnie Lu徐華璟 Hwa-Chin Hsu

3D審圖 | Sophie W

空間整合佈置 | 李拓宇 Toy (樂橙創想影像工作室 Le Cheng Image Studio)

結構&燈光 | 高易沅 Michael(金昇企業 Kimsheng Enterprise)

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