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foodpanda 2024 金食獎

Services Provided - Key Visual Design, Stage Motion Visuals Design

foodpanda 2024 金食獎頒獎典禮 Event Visual Design

服務項目—— 活動主視覺、舞台視訊統籌

foodpanda 第一屆「金食獎」是場向所有優秀合作夥伴致敬的美食奧斯卡!

沒錯!我們讓 IP 化身為閃閃發光的「熊貓小金人」,以 #奧斯卡典禮 為靈感,融合品牌可愛形象、食物與色彩等元素,加入一連串的 #動態設計,透過 #影像loops 和 #多屏畫面切換,層層堆疊現場氛圍,打造高級且充滿品牌魂的活動視覺。

針對尺寸寬長 14:3 的特殊螢幕規格,我們反覆調整比例與色彩,確保每個畫面完美呈現。從視覺設計到現場執行,統籌影像規劃與 VJ 操作,全力展現美食界的奧斯卡榮耀,讓每位獲獎者站上舞台,感受專屬的尊榮時刻!

這次很榮幸為『foodpanda 首屆金食獎』打造專屬視覺,讓我們的創意成為經典延續的起點,希望你看完也會說:「哇!這典禮真用心!」

Services Provided - Key Visual Design, Stage Motion Visuals Design

foodpanda's first-ever Golden Food Awards was like a food-themed Oscars, where they celebrated all of their amazing partners!

We turned their mascot into a shiny "Panda Oscar" and designed a visually stunning ceremony inspired by the actual Oscar awards. With motion graphics and animated loops displayed on a split screen, we created a vibrant and immersive experience that showcased the best of their brand.

To make sure everything looked perfect on the unique 14:3 screen, we spent a lot of time tweaking the colors and proportions. From the initial design to the live event, we handled all the visual aspects to make sure the winners felt like stars.

We're thrilled to have been a part of this exciting event and hope our work will become a memorable part of foodpanda's history !


Directed by JP SPACE



創意總監|蔣承翰 Jiang Jiang

策略總監|許軒瑜 Hsuan Yu Hsu

專案經理|唐晟翔 Cheng Hsiang Tang

商務開發|陳韻 Mia

平面設計|徐毅驊 Yihua Hsu、許軒瑜 Hsuan Yu Hsu

動態設計|Kforce Chen 小k (K4s Motion Studio)

VJ 視覺 |Fusevision 浮

#JPSPACE #foodpanda #活動視覺 #動畫設計 #motiondesign #Event #VisualDesign #motiongraphics #motion #animation #CreativeDesign

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